My Fav Netflix Shows


Hey Everyone,

It’s the beginning of April, which means I’m finally 16 and I can drive! For the past couple of years I’ve watched a lot of Netflix shows, which sometimes I’m kinda embarrassed to say, but whatever… sometimes it’s nice to just relax. Recently I’ve been unable to find a new show and been rewatching some of my favorite shows. So, I thought I might share some of them with you guys:

Gossip Girl: My all time favorite show and I’ve watched the whole series a couple of times. I love how the show takes place in New York City and there’s so much suspense it’s hard to not want to binge the whole series.

Stranger Things: I wish there were more than 9 episodes in the season! It’s so good and has mystery, drama, romance, and science fiction all in one.

Glee: If you love singing, I would 110% recommend. And, it’s hard not to fall in love with all of the characters.

The Office: The show is definitely the funniest show I’ve ever watched and whenever I’m in a bad mood, I will just watch an episode for a good laugh. Trust me, it’s hard not to laugh at Michael Scott.

Well, hopefully you guys enjoyed some of my Netflix favorites! Have a great rest of your week!

Yours Truly,


Studio Freight